This article, which I wrote around one month ago after the European Curling Championship in Stavanger, represents an exception for this blog, basically based on football. This article is an interview with Italy women´s National Curling Team. A «gaggle» of young women involved in trying to put in the spotlight this sport on the ice, which has not been so well known in Italy yet.
We could say that these girls, in their own way, are sport pioneers. And as pioneers they are brave, unconventional and challenging. I have always had a passion for out of the common-people. Practising curling in Italy, where football throw his weight around, is, in my view, something both out of the ordinary and brave. That´s why I want to give my readers the opportunity to know these passionate girls better and, why not, through them discover curling as an interesting sport. Here below, the article:
We could say that these girls, in their own way, are sport pioneers. And as pioneers they are brave, unconventional and challenging. I have always had a passion for out of the common-people. Practising curling in Italy, where football throw his weight around, is, in my view, something both out of the ordinary and brave. That´s why I want to give my readers the opportunity to know these passionate girls better and, why not, through them discover curling as an interesting sport. Here below, the article:
The curtain is fallen on the European Curling Championship in Stavanger. So, now, for all the 49 teams which took part in the competition held in Sørmarka Arena, it´s time to take stock of their experience in the European Championship and draw conclusions for the future.
Sweden and Swizerland, winners in the female and male tournament, respectively, are obviously going to enjoy the taste of glory. On the contrary, for the women´s Italian National team, ranked at the last place in graduation, the moment to understand what went wrong, has arrived.
Sweden and Swizerland, winners in the female and male tournament, respectively, are obviously going to enjoy the taste of glory. On the contrary, for the women´s Italian National team, ranked at the last place in graduation, the moment to understand what went wrong, has arrived.
The Italian head quarter is located in a hotel in the heart of Stavanger. The Italian National team´s components look relaxed, sitting around and playing cards. Nevertheless, it´s just a facade. They, really, remind about lions licking their wounds.
«We are disappponted with the result» Arianna Losano, lead of the team, croaks. It is barely more than a whisper. But soon the tone of her voice become more confident: «We wanted to reach something more, but we were at the first experience at this level» she tries to give as a possible explanation. «We were really tense» adds Veronica Zappone (skip). Italians are very emotional and sensitive people, so it´s not difficult to believe in this honest examination of the competition.
Autocriticism is an important quality, for both life and sport which helps to improve and grow up. The Italian girls show to possess it, despite being the youngest team in the competition. The "Azzurre" are looking inward to be aware of their limits in order to go beyond them. One of the secrets of the Italian team´s wisdom is surely the coach, Lucilla Macchiati.
Here is the proof: when one of the young component of the team starts complaining about the quality of the ice (It was too soft, she says), the coach, up to that point silent and respectful of the interview, admonishes her: «Finding an alibi is not the right way to face a sport competition like this", she says, disguising firmness as a maternal advice. In short, the message in a bottle is: No excuse, please!
Here is the proof: when one of the young component of the team starts complaining about the quality of the ice (It was too soft, she says), the coach, up to that point silent and respectful of the interview, admonishes her: «Finding an alibi is not the right way to face a sport competition like this", she says, disguising firmness as a maternal advice. In short, the message in a bottle is: No excuse, please!
Finally when the team is asked about the experience in Stavanger from a personal level, the disappointment shades immediately into happiness.
In particular, the Italian team is in love with Stavanger: «It´s a friendly-people city. It´s nice. We prefer it to Oslo where we have already been. People are so polite! Not to mention the volonteers and the perfect organization of the tournament. It was without a shadow of doubt a great event. A great competition held in a modern structure. «The arena is amazing. We are a bit jealous of the curling structure in Stavanger. It would be great, if we had the same in Italy" is the honest admission of all the Italian team. «Maybe in the future we could move here» some of the girls don´t descart the opportunity. They seem to say: «Goodbye Stavanger, see you soon or later»
In the next future there are the qualifications to the winter Olimpic Games in Sochi. It´s a dream, but it´s not the only one. «I would like to be an airplane pilot», confesses Elisa Patono (second). «I would like to be a physioterapist» echoes another team-mate.
After all, they know how to make dreams come true: it´s important the committment and the hard work in order to avoid any regrets. Exactly the same happens with curling. When that heavy stone made of granite, just as life does, takes curvilinear and unpredictable trajectories which players try to influence by the action of curling brooms: sometimes they are able to bring the stone where they want, sometimes not. All that matters is giving your best. In sport and in life!
After all, they know how to make dreams come true: it´s important the committment and the hard work in order to avoid any regrets. Exactly the same happens with curling. When that heavy stone made of granite, just as life does, takes curvilinear and unpredictable trajectories which players try to influence by the action of curling brooms: sometimes they are able to bring the stone where they want, sometimes not. All that matters is giving your best. In sport and in life!
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